Esoterika Lodge №227 Presents: Earle Mitchell

Egyptian Origins of Washington, D.C.: African Gods in America’s Capital by Earle Mitchell

This Zoom presentation is a quest to find the foundations of Africa, specifically from Kemet (Egypt), as used in the urban planned governmental cornerstone of America – Washington, Kemetic ideas that go back in time at least 4,100 years. The ideas shared herein are based upon the thesis, Understanding Washington, D.C. through a Kemetic Lens (Completed May 2009). That thesis sets the foundation for the thoughts shared within the presentation. Those thoughts shared show that there are two ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) faces, the gods Asr (Osiris of the Greek) and Ast (Isis from the Greek) etched in the urban plan of Washington, D.C. Ultimately, the purpose of this knowledge is to enlighten and expand the current narrative as it relates to America’s capital. There are other contributions to the creation of Washington, D.C.’s urban plan and this presentation outlines some of those contributions from an African perspective.

Earle C. Mitchell, III is an accomplished mentor and scholar of African and African-American studies, with deep experience in the development of collegiate-level mentorship programs that promote cultural identity and understanding. His various travels and studies have put Mr. Mitchell and 3rd iMedia in a position to move cultural thought processes further and allow the unknown to become known. As information has been gathered by Mr. Mitchell, books have been and will be created to capture the journey of Africans and African-Americans.


Saturday, December 19th, 2020


5:00 pm Pacific time


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